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How to convert .xlsx files to Google Sheets

By Blog, Video

In six minutes, learn how to convert .xlsx files to Google Sheets, a free online spreadsheet program that is part of the Google Drive office suite. If you have Excel 2010 or 2013, this is a way to get the files into Google Drive. The technique also works with .xls files in older versions of Microsoft Excel. Three examples are given, with step-by-step instructions of how to handle the conversion process. There are also some warnings about formatting problems which can occur when the Microsoft Excel documents are imported into Google Drive.

Start the video below. To see the video full-screen, press the icon on the bottom bar of the video.

The narrator of the video is the author of Excel Basics In 30 Minutes, which you can buy here for the Kindle, iPad, or Nook, or download as a PDF. There is also a paperback edition available.